Treat Yourself

Treat yourself! You killed it with the studying! Whether that’s been in the zooms, the six week study course, within your own study groups, on the tests…. you put forth a phenomenal effort.

Now, exam day approaches. And I have one piece of advice: treat yourself.
You owe it to yourself for KILLING it this exam cycle. You owe it to yourself for studying hundreds of hours, for studying with a group, and for killing it with various test takers.
Operational definition of treating yourself? You define it.
What relaxes YOU? Think of what makes YOU feel good. What makes YOU feel calmer? Think of three things that relax you, and try to do them.

My Exam Day

I’ll go into my Exam Day story. The day of my exam, I bought a massage. (Keep in mind, my exam was at 2pm in the August cycle.) The massage remains the best decision I made – I arrived much calmer, much happier, and much more at peace. Then I decided to get some coffee and some delicious food. But that’s my version of treating myself.
Think about how you’re going to treat yourself. Do something the day before, or even the day of (depending on what time you take your exam). Since my exam started at 2pm, I figured out something for myself. Please do the same – we know how hard you worked! You truly owe it to yourself.
And now that exam day approaches, stop studying like a mad man. Find something that will put your mind at ease. Allow yourself to take a break. You’re allowed to watch a tv show for a while. Give yourself permission to do something for yourself. Please do it.
Now that you’ve treated yourself, you need to go into the Pearson building, walk in with your head held high, and show that exam what you’re made of. You’ve got this.
All My Love,
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