The Wait

To those of you who just finished their exam this past cycle, you’re going through one of the hardest transitions: post-exam stress. The wait for exam results can be extremely aggravating.

As a five time test taker, I have a few pieces of advice. Here’s my top 3 tips on what you should do while you’re waiting.

Tip #3: Celebrate being done.

I know I’ve said this time and time again, but you’ve literally just spent hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours studying for this dreaded exam.  You absolutely deserve to celebrate your accomplishment of even taking the exam. It’s a hard test and it takes a lot of time and effort to make it through the first place.

Tip #2: Take a break from the books for at least a few days.

Some will argue that you should go directly back to studying. I say you should take a break. Why? See the previous paragraph – you just got done taking this crazy exam. It’s good to help others during your cycle and even for the next cycles to come. However, don’t feel that you need to overdo it. There IS such thing as studying too much.  Do something for yourself, it’s the least you can do!

And my #1 tip is…don’t check the Portal for results. 

This tip is completely contradictory to what I personally did, which is why this is my number one tip. I cannot tell you how many times I
checked the Portal throughout the five times I took the exam to see whether or not I passed. I can’t tell you how many times I got anxious about looking at results. I can’t tell you how many times I told my bosses ” well what if I fail again? I just want to see results already!”.
I get it. This exam makes everybody crazy,  and waiting for results could be that much harder. However, stressing yourself out over results won’t get them out any faster. (Trust me, I tried.)
I say this to everyone and I’ll say it again: treat yourself. Take a break. You deserve to be kind to yourself after studying for so long.
All My Love,
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