Creating a Peaceful Study Environment

OK, study buddies – let’s get organized. You have all of your materials ready. You have all of your zooms and meet-ups scheduled in your calendar. You’ve got your mock exams purchased & ready to take. There’s one more thing you need to do now… eliminate all of those environmental constraints and create a peaceful study environment!

What makes a peaceful study environment?

To be honest, you have to operationally define that on your own. My peaceful study environment was much different from those who were studying with me during my cycle.

Before I started studying, I had to get very organized. I had an array of resources, so I had to keep up with those around my environment. I had my study materials on my dresser and nightstand so I remembered to refer to those when necessary.

Personally speaking, I have a very attention-seeking pug who would jump on tables, eat anything he can find, and take naps in the place of his choosing. Since it was a constraint on my end, I ended up having my mom take my dog while I was studying. While I love him, he required too much attention for me to give him at that moment.

There are people who can study with music, and even with television shows on. I was able to type a lot of information out with music & television in the background – however, as far as sitting down and writing out examples go, the two became distracting. As a result, I ended up having to eliminate those constraints as well.

The biggest thing I had to do was study outside of my personal environment. My job requires me to travel to different parts of South Florida. Because my drives were so far, I would stop at various places. I remembered stopping at Starbucks on multiple occasions. I would go to the ones in the Barnes and Nobles shops because they were quieter than a standard Starbucks shop.

When you create your own study environment, consider all of the extraneous and confounding variables found within. If you find that they are distracting to your studying, seek to eliminate those. This will help you become even more successful when studying for your BCBA exam.

All My Love,


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