The Dreaded F Word: “I Failed the BCBA® Exam”

You studied so hard and so long. You put in what felt like as much work as humanly possible. You went through that nightmare of an exam, and now you see the results on the website.

And what do you see?


Seeing that word is one of the worst feelings in the world. The discouragement and doubt kicks in, and you think about throwing in the towel. And I beg of you: please don’t. The ABA world needs amazing Behavior Analysts such as yourself.

I saw the word “Failed” four times and each time I saw it, I felt progressively worse and worse about myself.

The first time I saw the word “Failed”, I knew I deserved it because I didn’t study at all. Writing notecards and doing nothing about it… yeah, not the best way to go about studying for the exam.

The second time, I felt a little worse, but I knew I could have studied more. I could have put in more work than just taking a course and studying a couple of hours outside of it.

The third time, I felt even worse because even though I did the same thing as last time, I put in more hours of studying. When you do the same thing, you get the same results.

The fourth time was when I felt like almost giving up completely. I was so upset. I cried and screamed the day I got my results back. I questioned why I was even in the field. I questioned why I couldn’t pass this exam! I was so mad I could barely think straight.

But, I knew that I had to get back up and fight again. I knew that if I gave up now, that I was never going to get what I wanted. I knew that if I threw my hands up and said “this isn’t for me”, I was going to regret it every single day. And I hope that you feel the same way, too.

This test is not a determination of how great you are in the field. It’s a test, and even though it is very hard, know that you can pass. Know that you can do this, and know that we have your back through all the discouragement.

All My Love,


*If you yourself have failed the BCBA® Exam, look no further.  Rogue ABA is a group of Behavior Analysts that will support you no matter where you are on your study journey for the BCBA® Exam.  You shouldn’t have to be on your own.  The biggest amount of support is provided through our 4-week “Tackle the Task List” Exam Prep course.  We look forward to you joining our Tribe!

Studying for the BCBA exam? Pass the ABA exam with our ABA exam prep materials: ABA exam prep audio, BCBA exam prep flashcards, ABA study groups, and so much more!

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