
From one Rogue member to the group…

I finished my exam today around noon. I spent 6+ months molding my schedule to accommodate studying while trying not to disrupt my family life and allow the activities that would provide respite. I trained for a marathon to continue doing what I love while giving myself time to think, reflect, and decompress each day.

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Creating a Peaceful Study Environment

OK, study buddies – let’s get organized. You have all of your materials ready. You have all of your zooms and meet-ups scheduled in your calendar. You’ve got your mock exams purchased & ready to take. There’s one more thing you need to do now… eliminate all of those environmental constraints and create a peaceful

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The Wait

To those of you who just finished their exam this past cycle, you’re going through one of the hardest transitions: post-exam stress. The wait for exam results can be extremely aggravating. As a five time test taker, I have a few pieces of advice. Here’s my top 3 tips on what you should do while

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Dear Multiple Time ABA Test Taker

So you saw the word “Failed”. And let me tell you, it’s a shitty feeling. If you’re like me, you cried, a lot. You questioned why you even took this exam in the first place. You may have even said “why am I even in this field?” (Me from my failing in May 2016.) And

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Dear First Time ABA Test Taker

Dear First Time ABA Test Taker, I was once in your shoes. I got an email in October 2014 saying I could officially schedule for my exam (after I turned in all of my paperwork and did my hours) and I was pumped! I immediately scheduled for close to the end of November 2014, I

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Applying the Task List in Everyday Life

OK, you’ve been working on mock exam questions like crazy. You’ve been writing out your definitions, you’ve been working on modules, taking courses, and even writing out questions that apply to the BACB Task List. This is great! But…have you ever thought about applying the items on the task list into your every day life?

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